1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
#![doc(html_favicon_url = "https://ruma.dev/favicon.ico")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://ruma.dev/images/logo.png")]
//! A minimal [Matrix](https://matrix.org/) client library.
//! # Usage
//! Begin by creating a `Client`, selecting one of the type aliases from `ruma_client::http_client`
//! for the generic parameter. For the client API, there are login and registration methods
//! provided for the client (feature `client-api`):
//! ```ignore
//! # // HACK: "ignore" the doctest here because client.log_in needs client-api feature.
//! // type HttpClient = ruma_client::http_client::_;
//! # type HttpClient = ruma_client::http_client::Dummy;
//! # let work = async {
//! let homeserver_url = "https://example.com".to_owned();
//! let client = ruma::Client::builder()
//! .homeserver_url(homeserver_url)
//! .build::<ruma_client::http_client::Dummy>()
//! .await?;
//! let session = client
//! .log_in("@alice:example.com", "secret", None, None)
//! .await?;
//! // You're now logged in! Write the session to a file if you want to restore it later.
//! // Then start using the API!
//! # Result::<(), ruma_client::Error<_, _>>::Ok(())
//! # };
//! ```
//! You can also pass an existing access token to the `Client` constructor to restore a previous
//! session rather than calling `log_in`. This can also be used to create a session for an
//! application service that does not need to log in, but uses the access_token directly:
//! ```no_run
//! # type HttpClient = ruma_client::http_client::Dummy;
//! #
//! # async {
//! let homeserver_url = "https://example.com".to_owned();
//! let client = ruma_client::Client::builder()
//! .homeserver_url(homeserver_url)
//! .access_token(Some("as_access_token".into()))
//! .build::<HttpClient>()
//! .await?;
//! // make calls to the API
//! # Result::<(), ruma_client::Error<_, _>>::Ok(())
//! # };
//! ```
//! The `Client` type also provides methods for registering a new account if you don't already have
//! one with the given homeserver.
//! Beyond these basic convenience methods, `ruma-client` gives you access to the entire Matrix
//! client-server API via the `request` method. You can pass it any of the `Request` types found in
//! `ruma::api::*` and get back a corresponding response from the homeserver.
//! For example:
//! ```no_run
//! # let homeserver_url = "https://example.com".to_owned();
//! # async {
//! # let client = ruma_client::Client::builder()
//! # .homeserver_url(homeserver_url)
//! # .build::<ruma_client::http_client::Dummy>()
//! # .await?;
//! use ruma_client_api::alias::get_alias;
//! use ruma_common::{api::MatrixVersion, owned_room_alias_id, room_id};
//! let alias = owned_room_alias_id!("#example_room:example.com");
//! let response = client.send_request(get_alias::v3::Request::new(alias)).await?;
//! assert_eq!(response.room_id, room_id!("!n8f893n9:example.com"));
//! # Result::<(), ruma_client::Error<_, _>>::Ok(())
//! # };
//! ```
//! # Crate features
//! The following features activate http client types in the [`http_client`] module:
//! * `hyper`
//! * `hyper-native-tls`
//! * `hyper-rustls`
//! * `reqwest` – if you use the `reqwest` library already, activate this feature and configure the
//! TLS backend on `reqwest` directly. If you want to use `reqwest` but don't depend on it
//! already, use one of the sub-features instead. For details on the meaning of these, see
//! [reqwest's documentation](https://docs.rs/reqwest/0.11/reqwest/#optional-features):
//! * `reqwest-native-tls`
//! * `reqwest-native-tls-alpn`
//! * `reqwest-native-tls-vendored`
//! * `reqwest-rustls-manual-roots`
//! * `reqwest-rustls-webpki-roots`
//! * `reqwest-rustls-native-roots`
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg))]
use std::{any::type_name, future::Future};
use ruma_common::{
api::{MatrixVersion, OutgoingRequest, SendAccessToken},
use tracing::{info_span, Instrument};
#[cfg(feature = "client-api")]
mod client;
mod error;
pub mod http_client;
#[cfg(feature = "client-api")]
pub use self::client::{Client, ClientBuilder};
pub use self::{
http_client::{DefaultConstructibleHttpClient, HttpClient, HttpClientExt},
/// The error type for sending the request `R` with the http client `C`.
pub type ResponseError<C, R> =
Error<<C as HttpClient>::Error, <R as OutgoingRequest>::EndpointError>;
/// The result of sending the request `R` with the http client `C`.
pub type ResponseResult<C, R> =
Result<<R as OutgoingRequest>::IncomingResponse, ResponseError<C, R>>;
fn send_customized_request<'a, C, R, F>(
http_client: &'a C,
homeserver_url: &str,
send_access_token: SendAccessToken<'_>,
for_versions: &[MatrixVersion],
request: R,
customize: F,
) -> impl Future<Output = ResponseResult<C, R>> + Send + 'a
C: HttpClient + ?Sized,
R: OutgoingRequest,
F: FnOnce(&mut http::Request<C::RequestBody>) -> Result<(), ResponseError<C, R>>,
let http_req =
info_span!("serialize_request", request_type = type_name::<R>()).in_scope(move || {
.try_into_http_request(homeserver_url, send_access_token, for_versions)
.map_err(ResponseError::<C, R>::from)
.and_then(|mut req| {
customize(&mut req)?;
let send_span = info_span!(
request_type = type_name::<R>(),
http_client = type_name::<C>(),
async move {
let http_res = http_client
let res =
info_span!("deserialize_response", response_type = type_name::<R::IncomingResponse>())
.in_scope(move || {
fn add_user_id_to_query<C: HttpClient + ?Sized, R: OutgoingRequest>(
user_id: &UserId,
) -> impl FnOnce(&mut http::Request<C::RequestBody>) -> Result<(), ResponseError<C, R>> + '_ {
use assign::assign;
use http::uri::Uri;
move |http_request| {
let extra_params = serde_html_form::to_string([("user_id", user_id)]).unwrap();
let uri = http_request.uri_mut();
let new_path_and_query = match uri.query() {
Some(params) => format!("{}?{params}&{extra_params}", uri.path()),
None => format!("{}?{extra_params}", uri.path()),
*uri = Uri::from_parts(assign!(uri.clone().into_parts(), {
path_and_query: Some(new_path_and_query.parse()?),