1//! `POST /_matrix/client/*/register`
3//! Register an account on this homeserver.
5use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
7pub mod v3 {
8 //! `/v3/` ([spec])
9 //!
10 //! [spec]:
12 use std::time::Duration;
14 use ruma_common::{
15 api::{request, response, Metadata},
16 metadata, OwnedDeviceId, OwnedUserId,
17 };
19 use super::{LoginType, RegistrationKind};
20 use crate::uiaa::{AuthData, UiaaResponse};
22 const METADATA: Metadata = metadata! {
23 method: POST,
24 rate_limited: true,
25 authentication: AppserviceTokenOptional,
26 history: {
27 1.0 => "/_matrix/client/r0/register",
28 1.1 => "/_matrix/client/v3/register",
29 }
30 };
32 /// Request type for the `register` endpoint.
33 #[request(error = UiaaResponse)]
34 #[derive(Default)]
35 pub struct Request {
36 /// The desired password for the account.
37 ///
38 /// May be empty for accounts that should not be able to log in again
39 /// with a password, e.g., for guest or application service accounts.
40 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
41 pub password: Option<String>,
43 /// Localpart of the desired Matrix ID.
44 ///
45 /// If omitted, the homeserver MUST generate a Matrix ID local part.
46 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
47 pub username: Option<String>,
49 /// ID of the client device.
50 ///
51 /// If this does not correspond to a known client device, a new device will be created.
52 /// The server will auto-generate a device_id if this is not specified.
53 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
54 pub device_id: Option<OwnedDeviceId>,
56 /// A display name to assign to the newly-created device.
57 ///
58 /// Ignored if `device_id` corresponds to a known device.
59 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
60 pub initial_device_display_name: Option<String>,
62 /// Additional authentication information for the user-interactive authentication API.
63 ///
64 /// Note that this information is not used to define how the registered user should be
65 /// authenticated, but is instead used to authenticate the register call itself.
66 /// It should be left empty, or omitted, unless an earlier call returned an response
67 /// with status code 401.
68 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
69 pub auth: Option<AuthData>,
71 /// Kind of account to register
72 ///
73 /// Defaults to `User` if omitted.
74 #[ruma_api(query)]
75 #[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "ruma_common::serde::is_default")]
76 pub kind: RegistrationKind,
78 /// If `true`, an `access_token` and `device_id` should not be returned
79 /// from this call, therefore preventing an automatic login.
80 #[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "ruma_common::serde::is_default")]
81 pub inhibit_login: bool,
83 /// Login `type` used by Appservices.
84 ///
85 /// Appservices can [bypass the registration flows][admin] entirely by providing their
86 /// token in the header and setting this login `type` to `m.login.application_service`.
87 ///
88 /// [admin]:
89 #[serde(rename = "type", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
90 pub login_type: Option<LoginType>,
92 /// If set to `true`, the client supports [refresh tokens].
93 ///
94 /// [refresh tokens]:
95 #[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "ruma_common::serde::is_default")]
96 pub refresh_token: bool,
97 }
99 /// Response type for the `register` endpoint.
100 #[response(error = UiaaResponse)]
101 pub struct Response {
102 /// An access token for the account.
103 ///
104 /// This access token can then be used to authorize other requests.
105 ///
106 /// Required if the request's `inhibit_login` was set to `false`.
107 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
108 pub access_token: Option<String>,
110 /// The fully-qualified Matrix ID that has been registered.
111 pub user_id: OwnedUserId,
113 /// ID of the registered device.
114 ///
115 /// Will be the same as the corresponding parameter in the request, if one was specified.
116 ///
117 /// Required if the request's `inhibit_login` was set to `false`.
118 pub device_id: Option<OwnedDeviceId>,
120 /// A [refresh token] for the account.
121 ///
122 /// This token can be used to obtain a new access token when it expires by calling the
123 /// [`refresh_token`] endpoint.
124 ///
125 /// Omitted if the request's `inhibit_login` was set to `true`.
126 ///
127 /// [refresh token]:
128 /// [`refresh_token`]: crate::session::refresh_token
129 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
130 pub refresh_token: Option<String>,
132 /// The lifetime of the access token, in milliseconds.
133 ///
134 /// Once the access token has expired, a new access token can be obtained by using the
135 /// provided refresh token. If no refresh token is provided, the client will need to
136 /// re-login to obtain a new access token.
137 ///
138 /// If this is `None`, the client can assume that the access token will not expire.
139 ///
140 /// Omitted if the request's `inhibit_login` was set to `true`.
141 #[serde(
142 with = "ruma_common::serde::duration::opt_ms",
143 default,
144 skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none",
145 rename = "expires_in_ms"
146 )]
147 pub expires_in: Option<Duration>,
148 }
150 impl Request {
151 /// Creates a new `Request` with all parameters defaulted.
152 pub fn new() -> Self {
153 Default::default()
154 }
155 }
157 impl Response {
158 /// Creates a new `Response` with the given user ID.
159 pub fn new(user_id: OwnedUserId) -> Self {
160 Self {
161 access_token: None,
162 user_id,
163 device_id: None,
164 refresh_token: None,
165 expires_in: None,
166 }
167 }
168 }
171/// The kind of account being registered.
172#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
173#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
174#[cfg_attr(not(ruma_unstable_exhaustive_types), non_exhaustive)]
175pub enum RegistrationKind {
176 /// A guest account
177 ///
178 /// These accounts may have limited permissions and may not be supported by all servers.
179 Guest,
181 /// A regular user account
182 #[default]
183 User,
186/// The login type.
187#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
188#[cfg_attr(not(ruma_unstable_exhaustive_types), non_exhaustive)]
189pub enum LoginType {
190 /// An appservice-specific login type
191 #[serde(rename = "m.login.application_service")]
192 ApplicationService,